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Modern Slavery Statement

Modern slavery is a global problem, and Meashams is committed to doing whatever we can to help eradicate it. As a business, we take steps to remove slavery and human trafficking from our operations.

What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery is the illegal exploitation of others for commercial or personal gain. It occurs when one person controls another for profit through the exploitation of a vulnerability. The victim is forced to work for little, or no, payment. Control can take many forms, including physical, financial or psychological.

There are four key types of modern slavery to be aware of:

  • Human trafficking – using violence, threats or coercion to transport people. Often used to force people into labour, marriage, prostitution, or organ removal.
  • Forced labour – any work or services that people are forced to do under the threat of violence or punishment.
  • Debt bondage or bonded labour – this is the most wide spread form of modern slavery. When a person becomes trapped in poverty, they often borrow money and are forced to work to pay off the debt. They lose control over their employment conditions and the debt.
  • Descent-based slavery – people are treated as property, and their ‘slave’ status is passed down to offspring.

Our approach to modern slavery

We ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Meashams are proud to work ethically and responsibly. We expect the same with any supplier or customer we engage with. We have a zero tolerance approach to human trafficking and slavery in all its forms.